Friday, July 15, 2011

I could really use some advice right now.?

my bf got this friend, he scares me to death. Hes staying the nite here at our house. Me n my bf dont have any money at all. And this guy has been helping us out but he has no respect for us or our house. My bf even told him to leave but this dude got pissed and was like going to start a fight. I was so scared. My bf got him to calm down now but he is playing really loud music and my bf is sleeping and i cant get him to wake up. (intoxicated). Im scared to go to bed cause this dude got like split personality and i dont want to be asleep and this dude go off again. Hes crazy. My bf was too drunk to realize how crazy this dude is. And when he is sober he most likely wont even remember what happened. What should i do?

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