Monday, July 11, 2011

I miss him all the time, even when we talk. Is this normal? ?

this just means that you have found your soul mate or you have a love as strong as edward cullen and bella, when he went away bella was a complete wreck, she had nightmares tantrums you name it, but if he says no you can always find someone else, because the right guy is just around the corner you might not no it and he might not be the same as your edward cullen but he surtenly takes your mind off the bad things. all you will have to do about the not as good love with your jacob is look into his eyes and imagine life without him then the lovekick starts again. anyway, i think the situation you are in now is simple you should tell him but the question is does he feel this way about you otherwise its just a moo point, its like a cows opinion, it just doesnt matter, its moo.

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