Thursday, July 14, 2011

IS IT A GAME........ OR IS H INTO ME?...........................…

Long story short, I'm talking to a guy I knew since highschool, be he was 2 grades ahead of me so we never really talked orbhung out but wherever I went, he alway noticed me and stares ALL OF THE TIME but never approached. Well now, 6 years later I sent him an email and asked if he recognized me, he replied the same day saying that he remembered me. From then on we began to talk. He graduated college, and is focusing on his hobbie rightnow, in hopes of pursuing his dream. and he seemed pretty stabled to me so I feel for him immediately! He asked on a few occasions if w can get together and hang out but I keep rejecting him because honestly in a bit shy and I'm busy at the moment with work (will be going on vacation in 1 week!) and I haven't really made time for him, even if I wanted to. He invited me to go with him to go jogging a week ago but I declined. He know what type of last I am because I let him know, as. Friend, that I'm abstinent and hang had sex because I'm very picky with who I choose to prays sexually. Too many guys nowadays are not worthy in my opinion and are dogs! Well anywho, it seems like he's interesting right? HEReS THE PRobLEm... I found out, through my sources that he has a daughter and might still be with his g.f/baby's mother... They are highschool sweethearts... He was rexenly with her 3 weeks ago, I found out through facebook so bow I'm super confused! When we talked he never brought up his daughter, nor did he mention being with his NOW ex. I think they're off and on, in my opinion... So I'm soo effing confused and flustered... He hit me up Time to time to see how I'm doing. He hasnt asked me out again yet because maybe he fears rejection. To me he seems like he's trying to take it slow... Maybe but I hate how he neglected to tell me he has a child and that he recently broke up with his ex... For all I know they could be together rightnow... I know that they clash and bump heads from time to time. And he's a hard worker an he think she's a bit lazy? He seems like he like girls who take care of themselves, aren't lazy, an educated. That define me! By .... Urghhhhh!!!! Who knows!!! so my question is, WTH! Is his intentions with me?!? And WTh is his motive?!?

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