Friday, July 8, 2011

Why has he blocked me from viewing his wall posts on facebook? :S?

im 17 and my ex is 22. :) we said we would get back together when im 18 which is in a month, we've been saying this for some time. 3 weeks ago i saw him and it was a lush night! he was so happy and i was, and even on facebook he posted ''what an amazing night its always been you <3'' i couldnt see him till three days ago because of my A levels, but throughout those weeks he texted me and was really supportive. the last time i saw him was three days ago. the night started of brilliantly, but then halfway through he fell ''asleep'' like everytime i tried to wake him up he grunted. To be fair he had said he was really tired, and i guess i might've annoyed him trying to wake him up so much, i did it in a friendly/ jokey way though. he didnt cuddle me though :/ again he might've just been too tired. When he dropped me home he said sorry i was just mega tired, and during our convo on the way home he said he was happy because he had me etc. :) he didn't contact me for three days but did yesterday saying 'i love you <3 xxx' which made me really happy thinking everything was okay :) he een wrote on my wall yesterday saying ''you're so amazing <3 xxx'' the thing is hes blocked me from seeing all the wall posts on his wall, like ones from other people? :S this has happened before like a few months ago but only for a few hours so i thought maybe it was just fb messing up, but this has been going on for 2 days now? its weird because it never used to bother him, me seeing what other girls write on his wall, i mean hes a popular guy and i have to deal with that, but why block me now? :S isit just fb messing up again? he hasnt contacted me today either :( i dont know if this is relevant but he does comment a lot on girls when he goes 'out on the town' like he'll say ''yeah im going out on friday to avoid all the grenades on a saturday'' and stuff like that. hes not a mean guy at all i think hes just being a lad - but why be bothered about how other girls look if he's getting back with me? thank you for any responses :)!

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