Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I had a dream i met a flirtatious girl and she vanished?

I had a dream i was on the 2 train heading to an unknown destination.While on the train a blond white girl with black highlights who was wearing all black including black sunglasses got on the train. She started flirting with me and was very friendly. With a desire to stay in touch of her I then asked if she had a Facebook, but she said she didn't have one, then i asked for her number but she she would take mine instead because hers don't receive calls. Suddenly i believe some kind of dispute happens because she ended up having to stand up but this part is hazy to me ,maybe she got in an argument with other passengers or maybe because the train started to break down because i remember the doors being open and it started to open up in the tunnels. Then my cousin gets on the train and he sat down next to me with another passenger on the other side of him. I saw that she was still standing so i offered her my seat and i ended up standing only to find seconds later that the passenger that was sitting on the side of my cousin was gone. So now my cousin is sitting between me and the girl. But then within i blink i believe my cousin ended up on the other side which allowed me to finally sit back next to girl again. The girl and I may have talked a little more and i remember her saying she was getting off at a certain stop. But i eventually fell asleep which in that time she vanished. But when i woke up she was gone but we didn't get to the stop she said she was getting off at yet. I fell asleep again and when i woke up i ended up in the Bronx. My cousin was still there and only thing i remember him saying while we were getting off the 2 train was that JFK airport was nearby in order to fine my way back home quicker instead of getting back on the train(which know that i think of it means my destination was home) . But then he too left and i was there in the Bronx somewhere near a bridge while in some broken down buildings and platforms with two bags .And I felt so alone and lost and helpless. Not lost because i couldn't find my way back home but lost inside.

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