Monday, July 11, 2011

Help me please is this normal?

hello there. im 15 years old and for the past months ive been having a lot of anxiety attacks and getting scared of things WAY too easily (like weird faces and ghosts stupid stuff like that :P) i don't find this normal at all especially because i am not a person to get scared easily. and i get very paranoid and worried about things too much D: e.g. i let my bird out of his cage and he hops on the floor sometimes and a lot of times when people aren't even that close to him i tell them "BE CAREFUL" and i think of too many disturbing things a lot (aliens, ghosts and so on) and i start getting anxiety and sometimes i can't even sleep because im scared. i pray to god a lot and that helps me and i feel better.but the next day (at night especially) i start having paranoia and and anxiety when i hear the SLIGHTEST noise (e.g. waterfall from fish tank filter, fridge making re-cooling someone walking stuff like that) also when im trying to fall asleep and when i hear those things mentioned above i always look at my hallway for like 5 minutes each time i hear it (thinking someone broke into my house even when the doors are locked) i get angry at myself a lot because i think about it and it's SO STUPID! i always feel there's a peeping tom around (which there is NOT) and i close my blinds to the MAX and i stay away from the window. not to mention last month i went to disneyland and i was TERRIFIED on going on the thunder mountain railroad D: and i ALWAYS go on that ride! and i was so scared and i started having an anxiety attack and i spent 45 minutes till i finally went on it! also i watched an alien movie a month ago (i think this is what started it all) and i actually thought that it was all going to happen..? and i know it's not going to happen. but i still get scared. im a drummer and i have my cymbals and drum equipment in the living room and i get worried someones going to scratch my cymbals and step on my equipment and break them. when im in the car with my mother and i start talking about a lot of issues going on in the world and creepy things (which is not often) i start getting a panic attack and my jaws start jittering D: i am sorry for such a long story people. this is not normal and im SOOO dang tired of living this way it's been far too long and i want to put an complete end to it already.please help me

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