Monday, July 18, 2011

Do I have an anxiety problem or just extremely nervous?

anxiety runs in my family, and i get nervous and scared and all sorts of upset over small things, and dumb things that i shouldnt be worrying about. for example, i would get a really bad headache, and start making myself think i was going to have an aneurism and die, because thats how my grandfather died... so i went to my doctor because it was becoming a big problem for me too, and all she could say to me was that it was a mental thing and you just have to realize its just your thoughts doing this to you, you have to control it yourself.obviously that wasnt much help... you could go to your doctor and she might prescribe you some medicine to calm your nerves down, but more than likely youll get the same response :/ doctors dont really listen to their patients when it comes to stuff like that.

Nipple piercing problem ?

I have the barbell in and it keeps getting caught on my bra constantly? Anyone else have this problem or a solution for this problem?

My boyfriend fingered my under the table in Math class and I think the teacher saw?

I sit next to my bf in math and he was messing around and put his hand under the table up my skirt while the teacher was asking me a question. He put his fingers right into my underwear and started fingering me. Even though he was trying to be *subtle* about it, he was leaning right over and I think the teacher knew what he was doing, because he didn't say anything but he got really flustered. I didn't know the answer to the question anyway, so I was just sitting there saying nothing with everyone staring at me, and then I... *came* and I didn't know what to do so just looked down at my desk and closed my eyes and when I looked up my teacher wasn't looking at me anymore, he was looking away, and he looked embarrassed. But no one else seemed to notice? And then he just asked someone else the question without even looking back at me, and he didn't look at me again through the rest of the lesson. Did he know what was happening?? I don't really think I can go to class again if he did :( It was really stupid and I was so mad at my boyfriend after but it's done now....

How can i do more weight with barbells? im really weak when it comes to barbells and its pissin me off?

Benching with barbells is different than benching with DBs. In order to be good at specific things, you cannot supplant those things. You must train to do those things specifically. Like pullups. Try using more "classic" strength training techniques and exercises. There is no need to use so many ridiculous "incline/decline" techniques. Overall strength training is what you need. Too much to post here, but I'd suggest reading Pavel Tsatsouline's Power To The People. It gives you all the basics of effective strength training without all the Hollywoodisms of "bodybuilding"...if you can stand his irritating "Soviet-style" sense of humour. Check out They have a lot of strength authors to help you on your way, buddy. Good luck to you.

What does this dream mean?

It was early in the morning, my dad woke me up cause he slammed the bathroom door hard (he had to go to work) and I decided to keep sleeping. So I fell asleep again and started dreaming this scary dream. (for me it was scary cause I rarely have scary dreams or dream anything at all) I dreamed that, school was about to begin and I needed to get prepared for it. So I went in my room to look for my gym clothes, and you know how in dreams everything's messed up? so instead of getting a Gym t-shirt, I got a pillow. Anyways I heard my parents calling me, so I talked from the hallway that I have right outside my room and I replied, "No not now, I have to get ready for school" (cause they asked me if I could do something real quick) and my dad replied angrily, "NO. You're gonna do this, and do it NOW." and I left my door, a TINY bit open so I could see into the room and there was a light reflection on the door. As I was arguing with my parents, for some reason I decided to look into the light reflection and I saw this massive shadow of a lady, tied hair, big breasts, she was wearing a skirt and a sweater. and she was walking. Once I saw that, I SCREAMED (in my dreams) and ran downstairs... thats where the dream stopped. I woke up terrified, I couldnt move, I didnt wanna open my eyes, and I was home alone (except my dog) again it was 4:33 am and this dream got me SHOOKED. what does it mean? Does it even have a meaning?

Prego & cant fall asleep easily..?

I'm 6weeks&2days prego. is it normal to have trouble sleeping?? usually I'm freaking tired but when I go to bed I can't seem to fall asleep easily. Till 1 or 2 in the morn. or gone longer.

My daughter is stuttering, why?

The Stuttering Foundation of America is your most professional free source of help. You can find e-books and online videos plus loads of information including what parents should and should not do at home. Your public library may have some of their books, too.

2 year old ball python won't eat mouse.?

I just got him. The guy who sold him to me said I should feed him today, so i bought frozen mice. took the snake to the store with me, showed the clerk and he told me exactly what size mouse that snake should be eating. I thawed the mouse in warm water for 20 min. made sure it was warm before putting it in tank with snake. the snake responded well. spending at least 3 hours wrapping itself around the mouse. smelling it, licking it. then went in his little house a fell asleep. still wont eat the mouse. the previous owner fed him live mice, so is that a huge issue?

What does this dream mean?

dreams that scare you breathless usually reflect a abnormally large amount of stress in your life. your mind is projecting that stress as a man shaking your bed. or maybe this is your brains way of keeping your life stress free by letting all of the stress out in your dreams. dreams are complex and we may never fully understand them. hope this helps :)

Broken heart? What did I do?

A guy said he liked me and I said I kind of liked him back but we needed to keep talking. So he would text me like 24/7, and then he suddenly stopped. After a few days my friend asked him if he still liked me and he said he did. We talked one night and I fell asleep and didn't reply after he sent a "Haha:)" He didn't text me for 3 or 4 days so I texted him and he didn't reply. My friend texted him and he's like "What u talkin about? Last time her and I texted she didn't reply". I didn't know what to do so I freaking sent him an apology message saying that I'm sorry my friends kept texting him about me, and the d*uche never replied. He made me like him, and basically led me on. My heart is broken, and I don't know how to get over it. Help.

Increase Chest size with push ups?

I want t increase the size of my chest. I don't have barbells, but I have dumbells, the heaviest weght being 25 pounds. I was wondering if push ups have any physical results on the chest. If I were to do 100 of them a day or so. Would this help over the course of a couple months?

Can't remember the movie title?

Honestly, I can't remember the whole plot either. But, from what I, vaguely, remember it has something to do with a mother that wakes up on a sunday (not sure of the actual days used in the movie), takes her daughter to school or whatever (does her normal routine) then falls asleep and wakes up to the day of her daughters funeral a week later, then falls back asleep and wakes up the day after her routine day, then falls asleep again, wakes up to the day before the funeral, and so on and so forth until the day of the accident. PLEASE help me remember the movie. I don't know when it came out but i believe i saw it around 2008ish. No clue who acts in the movie.

I'm stuck between two loves. What should I do?

For genuinely interested people, I present my quite illogical but heart-flustering case. I'm in love with a guy (P) while I love another (V). (Some of you might be wondering how can that be...Read'll come to know...) Both are great friends and I don't want to hurt either of them. This gets complicated because both guys are close friends, best pals to be precise, and the one (V) with whom I have an official relationship is unaware of the dilemma I'm facing but he loves me wholeheartedly. The other one (P) is somewhat closer to me...nearer to my love calling...more suited to be my soulmate..and he is facing the same situation as me. He is also committed before even having met me. We were each other's crush initially and it inevitably turned into a brimming love over the last few months. I can't decide whether to confess the truth to my current legitimate boyfriend..or to let destiny work it out...or to conceal this passionate love. My "soulmate" goodnaturedly soothed me, persuading me to leave it to God. Could anybody help me out? Thank you for your valuable advice :)

I want to audition for SM entertainment...Help?

Umm, I'm not sure, but if u're living in Singapore, the auditions were last year.... And if you ARE from here, u should contact the company on today's lifestyle newspaper if u still want to try, maybe they might let u? Hm, I dont think u need to know korean, cos those ppl who were chosen here didn't knwo korean and they're learning it now. I think u'll probably just need to be able to communicate with whoever it is that's conducting the audition, at least that's what I suppose, but u do know english, so it doesnt really matter, right? Good luck!

Can I be fired at work for an undiagnosed medical condition?

I fall asleep randomly at all times of the day. Are there any laws that protect me against being fired? The onset is very sudden and I have no chance to get up and walk around or anything else to keep myself awake. I have been under a doctors care for over two years and they can't figure out what is wrong. We have tried diet, different sleep times, a sleep study, and everything else you can imagine.

I'm seeing things that can't be there?

What is it with mortals? Why can't they accept the fact that there are other things out there that stupid science can't explain?!?!?!? I say someone was trying to contact you from beyond the grave.

Confused! mixed signals?

okay so there is a guy i know, hes a close family friend of mine and hes a 4 years older than me, im 15 and he turned 18 the other day. since last year he has been starting to show interest in me, like his mum tells me he thinks im beautiful but cause im younger he's afraid to tell me things like that. The other day he had a party and he got really drunk and came and sat next to be me in the front room where he placed his hand on my leg and left it there, i got so flustered that i pretended i needed a toilet but i came back and he did it again. Later on he came and put his arm around me where he pulled me into him and i was literally leaning on him and he whispered to me that i was a 'really good looking girl, and i could get any guy i like' he said i was really pretty, he then bet me that i could get anyone i wanted and looked into my eyes for about 10 seconds after he said this, then later he came and sat with me put his arm around me and kissed me on the forehead, next when we went into the other room i was with all his friends and just as we were about to enter the back room he pulled me back told be how beautiful i was and kissed me on the forehead again. However as our families are really good friends we went over there the other day where i found out that he had got back togethere with his ex, and he didnt speak to me once and ignored i was there really. So i just want to know like what the hell is his problem, can you help?

Why is my daughter stuttering...?

Your best bet is to go to to find out how to help her and if/when to get her evaluated. They state the causes, also, and parents are not one of them. I gather she is an only child.

Workout Advice & suggeations!!!?

just go running everyday, and if u can go swimming, swimming is the best exercise to be muscular, but of course as everything in this world it'll take time.

Did I scare him? How can I make things less awkward?

he most likely finds you attractive too, that's why he's been avoiding you. he wants to stay faithful to his wife and flirting with you doesn't help anything! say hello and apologize for making him feel akward with your compliment. just act like nothing happened.

Am i just being jealous?

One of my friends introduced me to this guy. I am not sexually interested in that guy because i am in a relationship. He sent me a friend request on facebook he also sent my girlfriend a facebook request. I became a little flustered because i am insecure because i have been cheated and lied to in my past relationships by men and women.

Should I ask my coach?!?!?!?

Okay so me and my friend Anna were invited to go to this really big lacrosse tournament in Texas by our high school coaches. We are both 15, so it's kinda a big deal for us to have been picked. But anyways, we live in Maryland, and we are in the process of driving to Texas... such a long trip! We are in a hotel room right now with our two coaches (both girls, about 23 and 25). I kinda got my period last night, and didn't have anything with me. I was too scared to ask my coaches for a tampon and my friend was DEAD asleep. So there's like this stain on the bed... which I am sharing with my coach. (AHH omg) Everyone's kinda awake now, but still laying in bed watching TV. I am absolutely freaking out. What do I do1?!??! Help!!!

Help with this complicated text message?

lol, watermelon...i think it's okay. i mean you're just being honest, and it sounds like it's coming straight from your head. see what he says.

I don't understand how speed reading works?

I dont wanna read all that, but speed reading is just looking quickly over all the words, and picking out key info/words on the topic

How can I find out for sure if my boyfriend is cheating when he deletes his evidence on his cell phone?

I am pretty sure my boyfriend is cheating. I have been going through his phone while he is asleep but apparently he knows this and deletes his messages and calls. Also on the internet he always deletes his histoy,even on my computer. If he is on my computer when I go to sleep,when I get up the next morning and check the history…its been deleted. I have sent him some privite pics of myself to his cell phone but when I look at his pics they are not on there,so I assume there is another place on his phone he is hiding them,im sure with other pics he has of girls. I caught him cheating with his x wife a few years ago and I have caught him texting other girls over the years by looking at his cell phone. I guess he has got smarter and deletes his stuff now. Where could he be hiding his pics now? He has a droid phone. What can I do now to catch him cheating since he deletes his cell phone evidence? If he is this time then its over!! I have had enough! Please help!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Why do people always assume this about me?

Well you've said it yourself why people always seem to assume that you're dating someone. Its like you're the most obvious girl that really should have a boyfriend, like there's absolutely no way that you could be single- its what your appearance plus personality suggest. People always tell me that I'm such a great person blah blah and yet I haven't had any luck in relationships :/ who knows


Em sorta goin thru d same thing bt em sixteen..i cnt carry on a conversation with sum 1 face to face without wondering how my face looks..i cnt go out without wering some long shirt or blouse tp hide my butt..n all the time i hve to pull it down cauz i thnk ppl cn c my big butt....i cnt stop thnkin wt ppl r thinking wen i pass them or sit indront of 'em..i feel like a weirdo n i need help too:((

Question for bodybuilding (muscle size)?

You shouldn't be able to lift the barbell more than 8-12 times (with perfect form of course)... it should be at your maximum weight, which is the best way to increase muscle mass (break down muscle and rebuild bigger)... then as the weeks go by, if you're eating enough of the right food (lean protein is important) and training enough (different muscle groups, 4-5 times a week), you'll be able to add weight and increase muscle mass... sometimes you can hit 'a wall' and find it hard to build any bigger, at which point you could maybe have a week or 2 of just cardio/ toning (lay new capillaries and increase potential)... change your exercises... or try a supplement (no steroids)... good luck to you!

Falling back asleep help?

ok a few days ago i got my sleep scedual back on track but every time i wake up at 3 am and cant for the life of me get back to sleep please help(and no i dont take naps)

I can't sleep... Huge bags under eyes!!!?

Ok so for the past week or so it's taken me over 3hrs to fall asleep. Last night though I didn't sleep at all. I'm so tierd... I've tried taking a nap but even then I can't sleep. I'm still a teen so should I be worried? Everythings been normal, and I'm pretty sure it's not hormones. Thanks for any help or suggestions on what to do.

Is this a koi or goldfish?

my friend gave me a few fishes and he gave a mixture of kois and goldfishes in their pond are goldfishes suppose to have those wisker things/barbells ? i can't tell the difference they're all about the same size right now but some have whiskers/barbells and other don't?

Am I overtraining.............?

No it's not overtraining, but you must remember to put cardio in somewhere, unless you just want mass and don't care about your welfare.

Pushing baby's bedtime earlier?

You're incredibly luck to have a 4 month old that consistently sleeps though the night. 9pm to all night is amazing for a baby his age- don't expect too much from him. Most 4 month olds are up at least once- usually 2-3 times- to feed and still wake frequently throughout the night. You're very lucky with what you have to be honest.

HELP! I cant fall asleep!?

I desperately need to sleep, It 357 am where I live and I have to baby sit in 4 hours! I'm tired but I just lay there and wait to fall asleep but I physically can't. Don't give me crap about counting sheep or meditating. I'm already exhasted my body just won't sleep!?

How much to pay a babysitter?

I have a very sweet friend that is willing to watch my 21 month old son. What is the rate per hour that would be fair and generous an hour (keeping in mind I rarely have money)? Also, it will be after my son is asleep for the rest of the night. Don't know if that makes a difference.

How to get over a good friend?

If he moved on, then you should, too! Just forget about him! Think of all the horrible things that he's done to you. Get a boyfriend, and tell everyone! Your ex friend will see you to laughing, and hugging each other, and he'll still be stuck in the moment! You shouldn't be friends with someone who ignores you for months. Move on, or else you'll never get over him.

Am I rushing this relationship?

depends how old you are, but it sounds like you're going at a nice rate. The poem idea is cute. I'm a girl, and I would like you to keep a steady pace, not rush things, and doing sweet things like that would make me happy.

We had sex and i havnt heard from him since?

It's hard to see if he used you since you haven't spoken to him since. He woke up to you caving and hasn't hears from you so might be thinking you have used him. Did you date before hand? Or was it a causal thing? Are you wanting something to happen from this? If so then you need to contact him. Text him and just ask how he is. I know you are waiting for him but that might not happen or just facebook him if you prefer that

Is he interested or just creepy?

sounds like he is coming on waaayyy to strong. you should let him know that too. and make sure you talk to your friends about it too

Im 29yrs old & always tired and lazy?

I never want to do anything. I've been like this for a little over a year, and it seems to be getting worse. All I want to do is lay around in bed, I take naps a lot throughout the day and sometimes can't fall asleep at night because of all my naps. I have 4 kids who are not babies anymore, and while im in my lazy mode my husband will take care of them. I feel like I have no energy to do anything or even play with my kids,or take them to the park or pool or ride there bikes because I feel so tired. And from me feeling so tired I feel like im always sick, ill always say my stomach hurts or I have a headache or ant excuse. And im never in the mood to have sex because I feel exusted and no energy. I will be honest I don't take vitamins because im scared to swallow pills I ain't even take meds for a headache. I don't exercise. I do nothing but lay in bed and watch TV. I just stopped working 3months ago in April I got fired because I didn't want to do anything but sit around,i worked at that job for 15yrs.and I've tried to fix this problem and I can't. What can I do to fix this problem does anyone have any ideas? Please. I need to be here for my kids. I feel like that show hoarders or addicted but in a different sense im addicted to being lazy! Please someone give me some advise!

Do you think he likes me?

So this really is a long story but I'll try to shorten. Basically we are both in high school and are only a few months apart in age but because he was born really late he is in the grade below me. We have so many similar interests. I also just love him as a person because he is everything I am looking for in a guy and he makes me even want to be a better person because he is just that nice and thoughtful and caring. Everyone at my school loves him and he's popular but not in the jock sense. He's not athletic, he's a musician but he's just popular because he's so freaking nice! So he really isn't an image obsessed guy, like he's not hot, he's adorable and cute; you know? Also, I know the girls in his grade don't like him so I'm pretty sure I'm the only one right now. Basically, we met this year and sat next to eachother in class. We talked during class all the time and then during school breaks we'd stay up till like 3 am chatting on facebook or texting. Also, I asked him to a dance (girls ask guys) and he said yes but he ended up not being able to go for a legitimate reason. Anyways, we have to eachother in the hallways and talk and such too. Since summer vacation started, we've talked 3 times but he's also chatted me once and I just wasn't online and I texted him once but he didn't respond until later so I never got it. We haven't talked since sunday night when I texted him but he didn't text back till later so I was asleep when he got the text. Who's turn is it to start the conversation; should I text him? Do you think he likes me or no?

After a bicep workout my bicep dont get any bigger?

Hi i'm 14 and i'm 6ft2 i weight 244.4pounds and after a hard bicep workout i don't see any difference during the bicep workout or after. my workout is bicep curls 3sets 10reps per arm 12.5kg , hammer curls 3 sets 10 reps per arm 10kg and barbell 21's 3sets 20kg. ive been weight lifting for 7months after a week i see a difference in my bicep but i dont see a difference straight away in my bicep why is this am i working the bicep to hard or am i doing to little im not sure someone tell me whats happening?

Why is my daughter behaving like this now?

my daughter is almost 2 1/2 and for the past few days she has been really clingy to me and her dad, shes usually a really good sleeper and falls asleep once in bed but she keeps getting up calling us saying she wants kisses and cuddles, when we go up to her she doesnt actually want any attention just for us to be there, she has started waking in the night aswell. she plays up at bath time and cries the whole way through when usually she loves them. im 36 weeks pregnant could it be because shes sensing the baby will be here soon or is this normal at her age? she gets lots of love and attention all through the day and she knows how much we love her, we just cant work out why shes being so clingy all of a sudden.

Industrial piercing ball has gone missing! Help?

I was at the gym earlier today and when I got home, I noticed that the little ball on the end of the barbell furthest from my head was missing! I'm going to get a new one as soon as I can, but in the mean time, what should I use to keep it in place!?

Why do i push people away?

I'm a private person for the most part. I don't like sharing more information than I need to when I'm talking to people but for by no means am I anti social or really shy. I have no problem talking with people and saying "oh I love this," or "I'm so clumsy," or things like that. Its just when people ( most of the time its guys ) get too close or show a interest in me, I get flustered and I space out. Then I push them away. Why do I do this? I've had a reletively normal childhood ( no scarring abandonment issues or divorces ) actually a pretty good one but for some reason I still push people away. It didn't start until about middle school and its gotten better but its still there. So being this way makes it hard for people to get to know me, or for me to date, because they think I'm either shy or a stuck up ***** when they talk to me. I have friends and one "best friend" ( we were really close in elementary and middle school, but we go to different high schools and we don't live that close to each other :( ) but no one really close that I feel I can share everything with them...can I do anything to make myself less uncomfortable and be more open with people? Really frusterated and thanks to whoever took the time to read this :)

Did I scare him with my compliment? What do I do?

Tell him your a harmless flirt some times and that you didn't mean it. You can also be a professional and talk like one for a wile. He probably is avoiding you so he doesn't get in trouble because of you. Try being a friend and less of a flirt.

How do you act around a guy you like when your nervous? Girls please? Many answers :D?

Do you get a little flustered? Do you try not to show it at all? Does your heart start racing? Do you completely try not to show anything? If he looks you in the eyes, do you feel more nervous? Do you get itchy and hot? Do you feel warmer? Feel your pulse? Do you do your best to bluff it and make sure he doesn't figure out? What happens when you do that and he takes it wrong? How do you feel? Please help me and enlighten me because I'm a clueless guy? :)?

I dont want to seem insecure but could it be cheating plz help?

e? is he cheating? OK so on several different occasions my bf wont a phone and I could have just gotten off the phone try to call back an hr later or so and won't get an a next day it has happened three or. four times and fell asleep and I thinl to. myself how did. u fall as Today. we. talked all day and about 6:40pm was t talk. to him I tried calling him at 7:50pm and havent got a answer from him. since then I hjust sent him a lo saying I'm tired of him doing this and I'm done. b can't he stay by the phone I do the. same for him from him the. next day I. dont have a car to check go off his word. I know his ex still. calls him and a wanna seem insecure but I don't want to be a fool either any advice or am I overreacting

Can i work my biceps 4 times a week and how are squates so good for you?

So I'm use to working my biceps and triceps 7x a week so my arms don't get sore anymore does this mean I can do them 7x a week there geting bigger and I wont them were I can barly touch my shoulder I'm 13 and I do pullups chinups pushups hammer curls dumbbell curl and barbell bicep curls I work my muscle 30 minutes straight switching from dumbbell to pullups and all that I work so hard I really have to struggle to touch my shoulders by the end of the work out but then they go down I'm so use to working them now in a couple hours I'm not sore anymore but this is gonna b my new scedual Monday wendsday Friday and Sunday all arms and Tuesday Thursday and Saturday jogging burpees squates with 30 pounds on a barbell and ABS and then the next Monday I'd work Monday wendsday Friday and Sunday legs and ABS and the others arms is that better to get big big arms or no also since I've done them everyday I feel when I rest my muscles geting weaker also at the end of each day of working out I eat like 3 spoons of penute butter is this better then my old schedule

Everything I need to know about medusa piercings?

I'm thinking about getting a medusa piercing. I want to know what you think about them. How much it hurts. What barbells are the best to have in. Best way to clean it. Just anything :3

When u are overweight is it harder to grow muscle mass?

u will grow muscle at the same rate a skinny person will grow muscle but it's just harder of u to see the muscle because (im not tryin to be mean) there is fat covering it up i suggest u inlcude some cardio in your workout b ut keep weight lifting cause it gives u more muscle even though u cant see it and haveing muscle increases your metabolism. your metabolism is the rate at which u burn fat. so a faster metabolism will result in u burning more fat than u normally burn and giving u more energy

My date got flustered when I kissed her on the forehead. Should I move on?

There's nothing wrong with a forehead kiss at all so don't worry about that. It's romantic and it's how my ex girlfriend and I kissed on the lips (it led to the lips that as I kissed down her face). I just think she wants to wait a little while- no reason to give up unless you feel like she's not interested. If she still wants to go out again then she likes you, she just doesn't want to move too fast. I know it can be frustrating but everyone is different. Good luck.

My relationship with my girlfriend is at a stand still. What should I do.?

You have all the answers you need in your brief summary. If you don't find her attractive anymore, leave her. It stems beyond looks as well, it seems. You're not happy with her anymore, so why lead her on? Don't stay with her solely for not wanting to look like a selfish jerk. When in doubt, get out. It should feel appropriate, you should feel at ease. Not confused and flustered, like you said. I think you had your answer before you even asked.

My husband is turning into a pervert?! Help :(?

I dont know what to do, i met my husband when we were 24, we got married 2 years later, we had a nice normal healthy relationship, now we've been married for 1 year and a half and i am currently pregnant with our first child. He is turning into a different person and its disgusting! He's mean and so rough with me, during sex he gets turned on by hurting me and only wants to do anal, he even calls me words like "slut" "flithy pregnant whore" and now i refuse to have sex with him, then i caught him masturbating to really rauchy porn, as in, gangbang porn! and he was browsing at beastiality websites?! Then i looked through his phone while he was asleep and caught him texting pics of his penis to a co-worker ofhis and she sent him a pic of her vagina with a dildo in it. I confronted him and he yelled at me and nearly threw me. The other day we had a huge fight because he said, "It would be hot for another man to f*ck me while he watched" I slapped him and have not talked to him since! Then that same day i log into his "Work" email and hes emailing that co-worker telling her that young girls turn him on she asked him how young and he said, "young little cumslut 12 year olds that he can stretch out thier pu**ies" This was the last straw i took my things and left but feel so sick to my stomach, this behavior came out of no where!! And we are about to have a little girl together and now i am constantly thinking about what he would do to her?! But my family is very religious and does no believe in divorce...they would probably be very disappointed bt i am to ashamed to tell them the truth. Any advice...please no rude comments!

Is he interested in my girlfriend or am i overacting?

One of my friends introduced me to this guy. I am not sexually interested in that guy because i am in a relationship. He sent me a friend request on facebook he also sent my girlfriend a facebook request. I became a little flustered because i am insecure because i have been cheated and lied to in my past relationships by men and women

Any thoughts on this would be appreciated...?

I don't think you're gay at all, you just have a fetish for being naked in front of people. It seems that simple to me.

Why does my daughter wake up in the middle of the night?

My daughter will be 2 in september. Every night for the past 2 weeks she has been waking up in the middle of the night and start crying and screaming for a few minutes and fall back asleep. She has never done this before. Since she was 2 weeks old she has slept through the night. Besides that she has been waking up in the morning a few hours before her normal time. My mother suggested that mabe she is having nightmares and that is what makes her wake up everynight. I believed it for the first 2 nights but after that i find it kind of too much. Its been two weeks and its becoming a problem because i live in a small house and my mother lives with me. She has a hard time sleeping and any noise wakes her up so i know she is being disturbed. Does anyone have any idea what it could be that is making her do this? Is there any way i can try and prevent this? I have tried everything i can think of to help her sleep better (bath before bed, no bath before bed, pajamas on, pajamas off.... ) Can anyone suggest anything? Thank you ahead of time

I'm going to get a job but I don't know if I can cope with it with my Anxiety/Depression/BorderlineP…

Well, you probably won't be able to cope with a new job since you already have your mind made up that you can't handle it. The truth is you won't know unless you try. Having a job is very different that going to classes in college so there is no way for you to know if you're going to break down. You can at least go to the new job with a positive attitude and try.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Hatred towards my dad. please help ASAP?

About 2weeks ago my sister was going to go to wal-mart around 11:00pm. She was going to take my little sister with her and my mom had given them permission. Well as they are going out the door, he starts tripping balls. He grabbed my little sister by the arm hard and took her in and as I was getting up to talk to him, I see my older sister walking in and he slams the door on her knocking her out the door. I got so mad I went and tackled him. I told him if I ever saw him touch my sisters or my mom I would personally kick his ***. He didn't take well to that comment but he knew I was dead serious. I was so mad that he had done that I cut my hand with a knife just to get my anger out. (My dad has the biggest problem ever. During school week ends I'd stay up to 11: 00 and he would tell me to turn everything off. It bothers me because my mom doesn't seem to care how long I stay up on school weekends and she told him "as long as he isn't bothering you, don't worry about it" she has told him this like five times! It bothers me because its not like I have anything to do the next day. He has an alarm that goes off at 10:30 just to make sure I'm asleep. WTF? is his problem) back to the story well now my older sister talks to him like as if nothing happened. I don't think its fair since she out of everyone should be more mad at him. I'm not apologizing to him. We haven't talked in two weeks. I also don't understand why its just me. My older brother just moved back in a while ago and he let's him stay up till whatever time he wants and doesn't say anything to him. (Also my dad is so goddamn snoopy, you can't fart in the house without him investigating who it was) how do I deal with this? (Sorry for this being so long, I figure I might as well tell someone my problems first and see if they can help)

I need some tips/ideas on how to handle 1 yr old waking up in the night?

I have no idea why, but for the past 3 nights my 1 year old has been waking up in the middle of the night crying. I try to just leave him be for a bit just to make sure that he's not going to just roll over and go back to sleep, but thats not been the case and so to keep him from crying and waking our 3 year whom he shares a room with I have been having to get up and get him.. I change his diaper, and have been feeding a half of a bottle of milk to try to get him to go back to sleep. I rock, and rock, and rock, and yet this kid will not go back to sleep!! early this morning around 12:30 he did this, I did all of the things I just said, and we sat in this rocking chair rocking until almost 4 in the morning before he actually went to sleep, and stayed asleep when I laid him back in his crib.I just don't get it, he hasn't woken like this at night since he was really small, but even then a bottle feeding and a change was all it took to get him right back down. Nothing has really changed, he eats wonderful all day long, he plays hard with his big brother and with me all day, his room is comfy, not too hot, nice and dark with only a dim night light, and yet getting him to go back to sleep in a decent time frame is near impossible right now.. I guess he could be cutting a tooth, but this morning I even used some orajel and gave tylenol to him and that didn't help either. While sitting here rocking he wants to sit up and talk to me, and tries to play with my hair and stuff. If he were in pain he would be crying and fussy, but the only time he is fussy is when I try to lay him back down before he is fully asleep. I am at a loss, and completely exhausted because then my 3 year old is ready to wake up and start the day before 6:30.... Do any of you have some good ideas how to get this little guy to go back down to sleep at night when he wakes? Like I said, he shares a room with his brother so letting him cry it out is not an option...I will take any advice that I can get!! And if you have no advice, but know how to pray, prayer will work We really need to get some good sleep tonight..=)

Homeschooling due to anxiety?

I'm not sure about in the UK. But I do online schooling through VLACS in the US. Look around and find online schools. Some advice would be to make sure that you are motivated to do your work on your own and actually do it. VLACS is on the computer, so you don't have to go anywhere to take tests. There is a mim=nimum pace you must follow each week, for example do assignments 3.00-3.06 by June 13th. Tests are usually multiple choice or essay questions that you just type, and it just counts as more points just like at public schools. Try ffinding online schools in your area, those are the way to go!!!

Is he interested or was this a one off?

His either busy with some other girls or his getting to much work which makes him tired so thats what knocks him out

We were at the car dealer and found out my credit score was lower than I thought?

and the salesman asked my boyffriend of 4 yrs out (we live together and all is 50/50) of the blue, if your credit is better will you co sign so she can get a lower interest rate? we were caught off guard and my boyfriend looke flustered and I jumped in, he's very particular of his credit rating and changed the subject. I eventually got the car at a decent rate but now thinking about it, I get upset and wonder if his heart is not into me or if he does not see a future w me. If it were me, i would have said well, lets' talk about it...but of course thats not what he said and not what happened. should I rethink our relationship?

So i havent been feeling normal lately...?

So the other day, i was at my friends house watching a movie, then i got really antsy and didnt want to be there at all. so i ended up leaving and going out, and started feeling really weird. Almost like really flustered and confused, but then it went away in like a minute. The next day i went to the beach with my friend, i was surfing for about a hour and a half. We then left, and we went to get some food. I got started to get really cold, and couldnt stop shaking even though my friend said it was hot in the building. We assumed i was dehydrated, so i drank about 3 cups of water and we headed home. For about 10 to 15 more minutes i was still real shakey and felt really weird, almost like what a panic attack would feel like id assume. (my heart felt really flustered kind of) it then went away and i felt normal, but about 2 hours later i started feeling really flustered again and i had really bad cotton mouth. i went to the minute clinic, and the nurse told me everything was fine except my pulse was slightly up, and that might be from dehydration, so she told me to go to the hospital. There they did blood work, all my vitals were fine, and my hearts electrical activity was good, so they said just to keep drinking water. I tried eating that night, had no appetite, but managed to eat two granola bars and oatmeal. today i still feel not 100 percent, and i dont have much of an appetite still. Ive drank enough water though where if it was dehydration id assume id be better by now. I also havent been pooping right for the past couple of months, so im not sure if maybe i have some kind of parasite like tapeworm or something. Although when im playing video games or out doing something physical i feel fine... just cant quite figure out what could be wrong. seems mostly like something is preventing me fro hydrating.

I just got my bellybutton pierced.. advice please!?

wash it tonight. and soaking it with sea salt helps quiken the healing process. do that once or twice a day for atleast five mins each

Could the removal of the gall bladder have any link to weight gain?

My mother got her gall bladder removed several months ago and is flustered because she has gained about 15 pounds since then. I told her I would look into the matter. I have done a little research and found that some affects after the removal of the gall bladder are loss of appetite and vomiting. Now, I would like to know if the opposite could also be true, or perhaps slowed metabolism or something similar.

Why is there so much hypocrisy when it comes to finding people attractive due to their looks?

Read about half of it and completely agree with you there. People can say what they want but if the other person doesn't float your boat physically then what's the point.

How can i do more weight with barbells? im really weak when it comes to barbells?

Your using different muscle sets when you go from a dumbell to a barbell so can't expect that you can double the weight when you move to a barbell even though you are using 2 arms. Your other muscles that are used to lifting dumbell weight need to be conditioned to the extra weight on the barbell. Keep doing your routine with the barbells adding weight but fewer reps each time. You want to lift to exhaustion in order to break down and rebuild your muscle mass. Also don't worry too much about competing with the amount of weight the other guys are lifting - focus on your own program.

My kitten is sick! HELPPP!?

About a month and a half ago, two very adorable kittens showed up on my doorstep. They couldn't have been more than a few weeks old. We named them Lois and Clark(one is a boy, one is a girl). Lois, who is normally very energetic and always exploring(hence their names), has been extremely sick for the past couple of days. She is lethargic, and she pretty much refuses to move unless you move her yourself. For example, I sat her on her bed, and she just stood there, falling asleep. I laid her down, and she would not move at all, not even when little Clark came to play. She has a very warm and dry nose, but her feet are relatively cool. She is constantly purring, but from time to time she will sneeze. I am extremely worried about her. She is an outside cat, so ticks are probable(I found one on her just a few minutes ago, but it was small), and they have probably had fleas, too.(I just gave them a bath the other day) Any help would be amazing.

Am i just being jealous?

One of my friends introduced me to this guy. I am not sexually interested in that guy because i am in a relationship. He sent me a friend request on facebook he also sent my girlfriend a facebook request. I became a little flustered because i am insecure because i have been cheated and lied to in my past relationships by men and women.

I just tried to kill myself but I'm still here, and I need stitches. What do I do now?

I'm a teenager btw. I tried cutting open my vein late last night, but I just couldn't let my mom wake up to me just laying dead on the bathroom floor, so I bandaged up my wrist which was bleeding so much I had to rebandage it again like 30 minutes later because the bandage was soaked. Anyway, it's morning, and I don't know what to do now. I think I should tell my mom, but I dunno how to say it, and she'll probably be really mad at and think I did it for attention. I can't just leave it, because it's really deep and the skin is like spread apart. I definitely need stitches. I have a bottle of oxycodene (I think that's it anyway) and I might just take them all. Either that, or tell my mom and have her be all flustered, and I'll get hospitalized and all that ****. Ugh, **** it, somebody just tell me how to tell my mom this. I don't think I can just pull up my sleeve and say "I tried to kill myself last night. I think I need stitches." then my mOm will do one of her infamous GASSSSPPs and I'll just awkwardly stand there and wait and see what she's gonna do with me. Help, please, I don't know what to do.

4 month old naps in her car seat?

I was just wondering if anyone else has a baby who will EASILY fall asleep in their car seat, but will fight naps everywhere else? I've tried her swing, her crib, her Pack-N-Play, and her bouncie- But she'll fight her naps like crazy. In the car seat, she just relaxes and goes to sleep. I don't even have to rock it. She still only naps for an hour or so (even when she naps on/with me, she'll only sleep an hour max. Never really been a napper, but she has been sleeping thru the night since 2 months w/ no cereal. However now she IS on cereal), but her Dr says that's fine because of how curious and observant she is. Anyways- Does anyone else have a baby who falls asleep in the car seat when it's not even IN the car? Lol.

Friday, July 15, 2011

No sex,no smiley face what gives?

Hello,I am concerned about my wife we are married 2 years now and with the last two months she has changed a lot ,she seems to be going to the bathroom 5 times during the nights,she is also cranky,And sleeps a lot also even when she sits down it the evening she is asleep for eight o'clock .She is only 29 im worried about her we haven't had sex in about 3 weeks now as she usually is asleep by the evening and when i told her to see a doctor she says noting is wrong and she is determined and wont go for me what is wrong with her is she bored of me is it me?

How long until i can change my belly button barbell?

ive had it for 3 weeks now, its not infected and its going good. my piercer lady said i can change it after a month and thats in a week so im wondering based on other peoples experience if i should wait longer or listen to the pros. The lady who did it said i can go back to the shop and she would take it out and change it for me free of charge, but the shop is an hour and a half away from my house and im too young to drive. should i do it myself? and also how long should i wait/? and dont be reduiculous, im not waiting 3 to 4 months! thanks!

I got my hips pierced!!?

About 3months ago & in one of the em the ring is sticking out more than the other. Wud it be better if I change it to a smaller piercing or just leave the long one? They are barbells n basically the bars r out leaving only the stick inside. What shud I do!??

Any thoughts on this would be appreciated...?

Just chill. Just b/c a psychologist had the title doesn't mean they have all the answers. Ask yourself if this issue affects your everyday life if it does u could try to find a different counselor if it doesn't no worries. Good luck

I have two beardies and alot of the time they fall asleep after about 5 minutes in my hands-is that normal?

they both are active when i pick them up but after a while in my hands they fall asleep and also same with the basking they will be basking and close there eyes-is that normal?

Can you put an 18 gauge into a normal ear piercing?

I want to get 18 gauge circular barbells, but I have just normal ear piercings that were done with a gun. I measured the earrings I got my ears pieced with and they are as big as an 18 gauge, so I was wondering if I could stick an 18 gauge in them my ear piercings. If I can't, do what do I do? And if I get another normal ear piecing with a gun and I want to change it to an 18 gauge, how long should I wait before stretching it?

Why would a guy constantly stare at you when he has a girlfriend?

Men are wired in the brain to get turned on by sight so staring is a way of letting you know that your hot and i cant help myself

Why does my yorkie puppy do this?

My Yorkie does that too. I think maybe Yorkies can get a little possessive and want their owners all for themselves and don't want anyone to go near them. The best thing to do is simply to punish her by taking her down from the bed if she does that, so she learns that she's not allowed to do that.

Why do I feel like I work more of my triceps when I work my chest?

I do a lot of dumbbell bench, sometimes barbell and after a set my triceps are the ones that are all swollen and my chest is barely at all. When I do barbell I use a wider grip so I know it's hitting my chest. My triceps are probably the strongest part of my upper body and my 1 rep max is 330lbs for bench, but I'm concerned because it seems like my chest is not growing. any thoughts? thanks.

I could really use some advice right now.?

my bf got this friend, he scares me to death. Hes staying the nite here at our house. Me n my bf dont have any money at all. And this guy has been helping us out but he has no respect for us or our house. My bf even told him to leave but this dude got pissed and was like going to start a fight. I was so scared. My bf got him to calm down now but he is playing really loud music and my bf is sleeping and i cant get him to wake up. (intoxicated). Im scared to go to bed cause this dude got like split personality and i dont want to be asleep and this dude go off again. Hes crazy. My bf was too drunk to realize how crazy this dude is. And when he is sober he most likely wont even remember what happened. What should i do?

How to deal with a neighbour from hell?

I moved into my new place end of last year and below me my neighbour is on crack so is her boyfriend, I thought they were recovering but I've knowledge they are still users. Anyway she's always ringing my buzzer asking for money for ciggs & once even for a slice of bread after I said no to the money lol I always turn her down. She constantly argues and fights with her boyfriend, its annoying I can put up with their drama but when I come home & I'm tired I don't like to be bothered, I just want to be left alone to relax & call my family. How do I deal with her? She rang my buzzer three times and I just ignored it, but felt like giving her a right ear full of cursing. Also she's come upstairs and knocked my letter box calling my name. Flipping heck I'm a student & a single parent while she is single, no dependants & on benefits (I don't care about her financial status) how does everyone stomach her as its a small flat conversion of 5 flats & she's been there 3years. The police have been called on her boyfriend in march as he battered her & she tried to stop his arrest saying they were joking then came crying to my door, my ex told her I was asleep & said her face was bloody & bruised

Navel question PIERCErS PLEASE HELP?

So I got my belly button pierced Wednesday (22nd) at this like jewelry store place idk but everything seemed to be sterile, although the belly ring the woman used was alot less curvier than a normal belly ring it was like kinda more near a straight barbell than curved, and the balls were the same size, she also pierce it through the top which I found kinda weird but hey im not a piercer so what do I know? ANYWAYS, the warring irritated me alot, to like tears and I think it was heavy or something becauSe the hole got large and I could see like the white and red meat inside my stomach! The top ball was pretty much halfway in the top hole so as bad as this was, today I changed the earring to a normal belly ring I bought from the jewelry place & it was in a sterlized bag but I cleaned it and everything anyways then put it in which kinda stung, it felt much better but the top ball is still kind of in the piercing and the two holes are all red and when I clean with salt water it burns, is my piercing infected or is my body rejecting it? Pleaseee help

Why am I sleepy all of a sudden?

Before, I used to sleep around 12 or 1 am and woke up until 7 am. But recently, I have been getting very sleepy right after I eat dinner at 6 pm and then I fall asleep at 7pm. And I wake up in the middle of the night pick up things in my room and fall asleep again. Why am I suddenly getting so sleepy around the late afternoon? Before I used to have plenty of energy to last until 12 am.

Is this 80 year old man coming on to my friend?

Ok, this old man definitely show interest in your friend, too much, I think, for an old man. He probably doesn't mean any harm, maybe he just got a little carried away by such a pretty young lady in his house. But I suggest if he takes all that 'rubbing' and 'kissing' any further, she should just calmly move away and not feel pressured or insecure.

Its 4am and I cant fall asleep?

I'm not even tired. I even ran 3 miles and did my little workouts I usually do everday. It's always taken me a couple hours to fall asleep but for the past few months it takes like six hours. And I never get sleep. I can get two hours of sleep and not feel tired at all. I'm 14,does anyone know what the problem is?

HELP! Should i be worried about my new rook piercing?

I just got it pierced about 4 days with a curved barbell. Everything was going fine but then i bumped it and it turned in my ear. It took me awhile to get it back into place and then it was a little swollen and sore for a few days. I iced it last night and the swelling seemed to go down a bit. Then today, I bumped it again and it turned in my ear. When i was trying to turn it back the bottom hole seemed to be rather loose. Is this because i tore the hole from bumping it or because the swelling went down? I'm really worried because I absolutely love it and don't want to take it out. Please help!

Do I still have a shot? (Dating a Girl)?

well only way to find out is to epoch it a different way so if she busy at day time an cant grab lunch what about go 2 the movies or have diner or go shoping etc if she says no she 2 busy it most likely she shy an not keen just dont txt her wait for her 2 get in touch with u so u can play the game with her that she playin with you

Im addicted to video games, help!?

I am fourteen and I own a computer that costs me 1000 dollars. I am addicted, when I start I can't stop. I play atleast 40 hours a week. However everyday I lift my barbell and go for a walk with my dog to the river. And also go scootering and stuff with friends. It affects my school work more then anything. How can I stop myself from playing so long, but still play? I am addicted and its very hard to just stop.

How do i convince my mom to let me get my lip periced?

ive wanted my lip periced since i was 10 and now im 14 but my mom still wont let me get it and i have 3 on my ears and a barbell and my belly button but ive wanted my lip more bt she dosent like it because its on my face and she said she will think about it if i get my grades up and show her responceibilty but im out for summer and i dont want to waite 3 months and also she thinks it will get infected?

Is it all a game? Or does he genuinely like me..?

Long story short, I'm talking to a guy I knew since highschool, be he was 2 grades ahead of me so we never really talked orbhung out but wherever I went, he alway noticed me and stares ALL OF THE TIME but never approached. Well now, 6 years later I sent him an email and asked if he recognized me, he replied the same day saying that he remembered me. From then on we began to talk. He graduated college, and is focusing on his hobbie rightnow, in hopes of pursuing his dream. and he seemed pretty stabled to me so I feel for him immediately! He asked on a few occasions if w can get together and hang out but I keep rejecting him because honestly in a bit shy and I'm busy at the moment with work (will be going on vacation in 1 week!) and I haven't really made time for him, even if I wanted to. He invited me to go with him to go jogging a week ago but I declined. He know what type of last I am because I let him know, as. Friend, that I'm abstinent and hang had sex because I'm very picky with who I choose to prays sexually. Too many guys nowadays are not worthy in my opinion and are dogs! Well anywho, it seems like he's interesting right? HEReS THE PRobLEm... I found out, through my sources that he has a daughter and might still be with his g.f/baby's mother... They are highschool sweethearts... He was rexenly with her 3 weeks ago, I found out through facebook so bow I'm super confused! When we talked he never brought up his daughter, nor did he mention being with his NOW ex. I think they're off and on, in my opinion... So I'm soo effing confused and flustered... He hit me up Time to time to see how I'm doing. He hasnt asked me out again yet because maybe he fears rejection. To me he seems like he's trying to take it slow... Maybe but I hate how he neglected to tell me he has a child and that he recently broke up with his ex... For all I know they could be together rightnow... I know that they clash and bump heads from time to time. And he's a hard worker an he think she's a bit lazy? He seems like he like girls who take care of themselves, aren't lazy, an educated. That define me! By .... Urghhhhh!!!! Who knows!!! so my question is, WTH! Is his intentions with me?!? And WTh is his motive?!?

What do you think of this story?

The speech disability isn't very clearly conveyed. I thought he might be suffering from something like dyslexia or some other reading disability.

Im having a sleep over for my birthday and me and my friends love watching horror films ...?

Can anyone suggest a few real Blood and Gore ones with a good story line where we wont fall asleep in the middle ??

Saw daycare provider forcefully sit a child down?

I think you should bring it up with her supervisor. It seems as though she was being too aggressive, considering the child's age, but we don't know what happened. It may be that he was endangering himself or others in some way, such as climbing shelves repeatedly, throwing toys, or biting. If such behaviors are occurring frequently, maybe she was frustrated or having difficulty finding a way to stop the dangerous behavior. This is a high-stress field to work in and she may need some assistance finding ways to control dangerous behavior before a child hurts himself or another child or her. When you bring it up, try to show concern for her state of frustration and suggest that she may need some help. I know if I was maxed out on a child's behavior I would certainly appreciate some one intervening to provide some support. (Where I work, we work in teams for this very reason...if one of us becomes frustrated or unable to work with a certain child, the other steps in!)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Friend is obsessed with computer?

My best friend is staying over at my house for a while and she is constantly on the computer. She is on forums and chat rooms from the time she wakes up until after everybody else in the house is already asleep. The shortest time she has been on the computer was For maybe 6 hours. Whenever I try to talk to her she acts like I am not there and she constantly separates herself from others so she can be alone on the computer. One time she told me she made a house on the sims and I said"that's cool can I see"and she said no cause she wanted to be alone even though she was alone all day. I told my sister about this and she said I should give her some space but I hardly talk to her at home cause she separates herself from me to be on the computer. Sometimes i wonder why she even comes to my house if she is going to stay on the computer 24/7 What should I say to her so she can possibly stop this besides to never invite her over again.

I been working out since March?

I was 114,very small,my biceps were ten inches,now there 12 inches,It's June shouldn't I be ''Jacked''? I work hard,train everything. Am I doing something wrong in my biceps exercise? I do standing barbell,dumbell curls,I can lift 40's now and I do 8 reps for size,strength. 12 reps for my triceps/ any tips?

Does this guy like me? Or is he just not realizing it?


Is it essential too diet too have a ripped body?

Well, you need to eat plenty of protein. It is mainly important to diet if you want to look "ripped" because you don't want any fat on your body. Protein is important because it helps you build muscle faster. You need the right nutrients also, like vitamins and minerals so that your muscles can repair themselves after working out.

I found my fiance text flirting AGAIN, what should I do?

I'm not a counselor. From experience, you have two options. One: put up with it. It won't change no matter what your relationship is. Two: split now. It's easier than a divorce. Not good either way, but if she isn't going to change when asked, there won't be any changes later.

I HATE CBR's. Could i get my rook pierced with a curved barbell?

I have a bent barbell in mine.. a curved barbell or horseshoe is going to be very similar to a CBR. I love the look of the bent barbell, I would go with that.

HELP cartilage piercing problems!?

I've had my cartilage done for nine months now and I was wondering if I cud take the stud out with out it closing? And how many hours can it be out? I haven't taken the stud out since I've have it done and there's a bump on my ear under the back of the stud, any ideas what it is, if it's really bad, and if it will go away??? It's been there for quite a while... And when I change the stud any recommendations on new ones?? Like gel barbells or rings?

How can we move my grandma out?

My parents and I moved my grandmother in with us about three and a half years ago. A lot of good and huge things are happening to my family, but my grandmother is bogging us down. She causes a lot of stress and makes us turn against each other. She nearly deafens me with her Russian television every night when I'm trying to sleep (it's worse than it sounds) and she makes my mother unhappy. We have been considering how to do this because my dad (her son-in-law) is becoming more and more flustered with her. If she stays, more chaos. If we move her to a nearby retirement home, she visits often. If we move her a bit away, we'll invite her for entire weekends. We don't have any close-by relatives, and overall, we're stuck with an insane grandmother. Her behavior is incorrigible, SHE'S INSANE! How can we deal with her?

Is it ok to twist my barbell industrial pericing while its healing?

I got it pierced about 3 weeks ago. I was told not to twist it by the person how did it. But I was talking to a friend who had hers for a while and she said to twist it.

Why is my "potential" employer playing games with me. Is she? What's your opinion?

Don't know what she is playing at but would you really won't to work for someone who obviously lacks any organisational skills?

What's wrong with me?

im no therapist, but i'd say some type of depression...or a fever or related illness, if you know you're not depressed...dont take anyone's word for it except the doctor's

I accidentally pushed on my dogs stomach?

I was trying to fall asleep and she was taking up too much room so I tried to push her by her chest to move her over and I accidentally pushed her stomach? It kind of "went in" but it came back out. Could I have hurt her doing this?

Why do guys like to makeout so much?

a few weeks ago i was making out with this guy at a party for the longest time and it was like 11 pm and i was falling asleep on him and he kept kissing me and kept trying to get me to wake up and keep making out like he wanted to do that alllllll night. A few days ago i was making out with this other guy and he would stop and say something quick and then be like where were we and his short beard kept scratching me so i had to keep stopping but he didnt seem to like the interruptions and before he had to go he was like one more good one and would keep saying that. I mean i like making out but im not like how they were.... im just wondering why are guys like this? please be nice! thanks so much!! :)

Didnt have a ride to work, called and told them & that i'd call back, then accidently fell asleep... help!?

so i was supposed to be at work at 5am this morning but my ride didnt show. i called and texted her and didnt hear from her til like 3 hours later.. so when i was supposed to be at work i called then and said that i didnt have a ride and that i'd call them back once i found out what was goig on. SO, i accidently fell asleep after i called then and slept most of the day because i had barely gotten any sleep. When i woke up i had a call from one of my managers saying that she could have someone come pick me up and to call her back and then i had another message from another boss saying that i need to call her so idk what i am going to do or say.... please help.

My gf gets angry with me on little things?

You should persevere and make sure you are always tellign the truth you can't be making her angry if you do nothing wrong.

What things around home can use to increase weight on barbells?

Try fitting the handles of milk jugs filled with water onto the sides, and then clip them so they don't fall off.

Does he like me? Or is he a creep?

You didn't think he was creepy until after your friends pointed that out. Friends don't always know what's best for you. Maybe you're just a wonderful person to be around, to talk to... maybe he thinks you are very beautiful. Seems to me this guy wants to get to know you more. At least he was saying he would visit you at the bar you work--- instead of inviting you to his home/hotel or something (then that would be creepy) Doesn't seem like he's coming on too strong, but that's just my opinion. Only thing that matters is how he makes you feel. If he seems creepy to you, then don't see him anymore. Good luck!

Is this meal and exercise plan good for a high school soccer player thats a hardgainer and almost 16 years old?

Yeah the meal plan is fine but I was wondering if you are doing the same upper body workout every day? If so that is a big no-no. You have to remember your muscles need a rest. Don't re-train any muscle for about 48. This rest is how your muscles heal and grow. So do chest on day, then back, then shoulders then rest or something like that. But it seems like you know what your doing. Just keep it up and you'll be good. Good luck.

Accidentally fell asleep with crest whitestrips on?

I don't think so call someone and ask them mostly I think you will just have really white teeth after they set all the way in

Cardio and weight training workouts?

Check this article out. I believe it would be most helpful to you. You will find lots of tips and advices in this huge archive.

Headache and seeing flashes of color after playing video games all day?

My son is 11. He had recently gotten a new video game for his ps3, "Little Big Plantet". I have caught him staying up all night long playing it. A couple of days ago he started saying that when he would sit or stand, that he would see different colored spots. Then tonight while he was falling asleep he said as soon as he'd start to doze off, he'd see the colors. That game is very colorful. He also has a headache. He hasn't been sleeping or eating right, so I think he may also be a little dehydrated. Has anyone ever heard of these symptoms from excessive video game playing? He's asleep now, but I'm debating on whether I should take him to the ER, or call the Dr in the morning. He doesn't have any other symptoms accept for being really tired. He was up playing til 7am this morning!!!! Needless to say, he won't be playing for a few days. Thanks for any advise.

Growth stunt by using barbell on shoulders?

It shouldnt. Doing weights doesnt stunt your growth. Ive been doing it since grade 6 and my growth has not been stunted at all :)

I have this horrible habit!!! Of bathing for....?

I have this horrible habit of bathing for hours. So at first i would just take an hour in a bath. But soon it turned to two hours and then three hours. (i would fall asleep from exhaustion that's when i usually take baths) but now I 4-5 hours in BATH???? D: that's just crazy i woke up by my mom yelling at me. Is this normal. But my legs felt super pain from dryness. This is in no way a joke!

How should I get rid of the blood blister on my belly button piercing?

Please see your doctor immediately. You could end up with a bad infection. In the meantime, buy a large bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide & pour it over the site three times daily, until you can see your doctor. The treatment, will keep the area cleaned good. Blood blisters should NEVER be squeezed or punctured. Just leave it alone. Don't get anymore piercings, if you're not going to keep them cleaned on a regular basis. Not doing so, is only asking for more trouble. See the doctor, soon!!!!

Is this part of puberty?! Why am I so angry?

i understand parents divorced when i was 5 and i hated my dad for one month after. but still, he is your father and will always be. you can't hate him. if you feel this way, avoid him. or you could just talk to him and tell him how you feel. maybe he could work on his problems, but you're gonna have to learn to love him again.

I just got my cheeks pierced ?

I just got my cheeks pierced this is my third day. I got the barbell ones on and they get really annoying when I eat. the swealling isn't that bad it only hurts when I laugh but sense its my third day can I change them to a bioplast jewlery??

IS IT A GAME........ OR IS H INTO ME?...........................…

Long story short, I'm talking to a guy I knew since highschool, be he was 2 grades ahead of me so we never really talked orbhung out but wherever I went, he alway noticed me and stares ALL OF THE TIME but never approached. Well now, 6 years later I sent him an email and asked if he recognized me, he replied the same day saying that he remembered me. From then on we began to talk. He graduated college, and is focusing on his hobbie rightnow, in hopes of pursuing his dream. and he seemed pretty stabled to me so I feel for him immediately! He asked on a few occasions if w can get together and hang out but I keep rejecting him because honestly in a bit shy and I'm busy at the moment with work (will be going on vacation in 1 week!) and I haven't really made time for him, even if I wanted to. He invited me to go with him to go jogging a week ago but I declined. He know what type of last I am because I let him know, as. Friend, that I'm abstinent and hang had sex because I'm very picky with who I choose to prays sexually. Too many guys nowadays are not worthy in my opinion and are dogs! Well anywho, it seems like he's interesting right? HEReS THE PRobLEm... I found out, through my sources that he has a daughter and might still be with his g.f/baby's mother... They are highschool sweethearts... He was rexenly with her 3 weeks ago, I found out through facebook so bow I'm super confused! When we talked he never brought up his daughter, nor did he mention being with his NOW ex. I think they're off and on, in my opinion... So I'm soo effing confused and flustered... He hit me up Time to time to see how I'm doing. He hasnt asked me out again yet because maybe he fears rejection. To me he seems like he's trying to take it slow... Maybe but I hate how he neglected to tell me he has a child and that he recently broke up with his ex... For all I know they could be together rightnow... I know that they clash and bump heads from time to time. And he's a hard worker an he think she's a bit lazy? He seems like he like girls who take care of themselves, aren't lazy, an educated. That define me! By .... Urghhhhh!!!! Who knows!!! so my question is, WTH! Is his intentions with me?!? And WTh is his motive?!?

I didn't sleep all night and I have work in two hours. What can I do to stay awake till at least 1pm?

Hey everyone I didn't sleep tonight due to not falling asleep last night till 3am and waking up at 1pm. I really would like to kick this sleeping cycle now before it starts. I have work in two hours and I need some tips on what to eat drink and practice to feel awake. I still don't feel tired at all and I'm hoping I won't till later. What can I do?

What would you do here?

If your colleague of 25/26 years old had a stressful job looking after kids aged 2 and 3 and seemed particularly stressed at the moment. You know they get little support and they are fantastic at their job but don't seem to get told enough. They always look tired and flustered and never seemed to be this way.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mysterious call from a rectory?

Interesting to see what I answer I get to this......I had a phone call @ 4:41am the other morning and it only rung enough to wake me..I dialled 1471 (last number to of called) and then 3 (to return the call) and it turned out to be the local rectory answering machine? I pulled out the phone thinking it was a dodgy line and didn't want to be woken again. Later that morning we called them again and the Reverend answered and said they had a missed call from us which woke them at 4:45am (of course was us returning call) they claimed they hadn't called us as they were in bed asleep? so who did then on their number? I had asked for a sign from the angels the evening before, as I do believe in guides/angels...was this my sign or just simply a coincidence.

How do girls act around guy they like when their nervous? girls please :)?

Do you get a little flustered? Do you try not to show it at all? Does your heart start racing? Do you completely try not to show anything? If he looks you in the eyes, do you feel more nervous? Do you get itchy and hot? Do you feel warmer? Feel your pulse? Do you do your best to bluff it and make sure he doesn't figure out? What happens when you do that and he takes it wrong? How do you feel? Please help me and enlighten me because I'm a clueless guy? :)?

Why are Japanese people so quick to call food prepared by a white person as unauthentic?

I don't know much about Japan, but my wife is from India. I have noticed that most Indians are often very particular about Indian food. It wouldn't surprise me if that wasn't a fairly common thing for people of many ethnic groups to be very skeptical when someone who isn't from their group professes some knowledge of their style of cooking, and many other cultural things. You would have to do an exceptionally good job of it to be considered okay. I can understand why they might feel that way.

This is going to sound really weird.. but I'm afraid to speak Italian?

So my family hosted an exchange student from Italy this past school year. I'd been taking Italian classes for a year before she arrived, and during the year she was with us. I also learned quite a bit just from having her around. This summer, she and her family invited me back to Italy to stay with them for a month in an area where there aren't a lot of tourists (obviously) and it's very.. Italian! So, I'm here, and I've been here for three days but for some reason, whenever I go out, I speak English. Most people can understand me well enough and I'd really like to speak Italian to them but I get flustered when I do and stammer and all of the people think I'm stupid or something. It's funny because I can almost 100% understand what they are all saying, but I don't talk to them at all except every now and then in English. So, it sounds really stupid, but how can I push myself past the fear of messing up the grammar or mispronouncing something and being laughed at? Because speaking English isn't any better then that. My exchange student speaks nearly perfect English so I talk to her all the time but everyone else speaks butchered English. I really just need to open my mouth and SPEAK but for some reason, I get really embarrassed and just can't find my words. Pep talk, please??? :)

How to let my boss know about a mistake she made without causing any tension?

You have to address this by telling her what happened, but it sounds to me like you'd be better off finding another job, this b*tch is going to continue making your life miserable as long as you stay there. And try to get a job with a male boss, the females are almost always dreadful.

Does he like me? Or is he just creepy?

i think you should listen to your friends about the creepy vibe. i think he was definately comeing on too strong. maybe you should just kinda quickly untangle yourself from him. sorry :(

Is he interested? Or just creepy?

i think he likes you and he's coming on strong, but what's the problem with him coming on too strong??? He's seen something he wants, so what's wrong with him trying to get it??? (i mean relationship wise). There are people out there like him including me, we spot what we want and we want to have it........ The only thing that should creep u out is his age and if u aren't creeped out by that, then there's nothing to worry about.... he seems pretty sweet though (coming to say hi before leaving for work)

Nipple rings and where to find the best selection.?

Ok so i had my nipples pierced over 2 years ago and since then have had the same barbells. I am looking for new ones but i don't want to shop online, i want to go to the store and actually look at what i am buying. Im in the fort worth area and i know most tattoo shops carry them, however they are usually very basic and im lookin for something more say exotic and interesting such as something with some little charms hanging down, chains perhaps, just something unique....Is there anyone out there that can please give me any suggestions?

Is this a date or just dinner with a fellow employee?

About 2 weeks ago at work a guy transferred in from a Australian sister company to help out with a project. I was his temporary secretary until they hired him a permanent one because my boss was out of town at the moment. He told me on the first day that I had a pretty smile and I became really flustered over that, to the point I am positive I turned completely red. Everyday he would say something really sweet to me. He always made it a habit to touch my hand or sit really close to me. I am no longer his secretary because my boss is back and they hired him his own. He asked me today if I wanted to go out to dinner when I went to pick up some of my stuff that I had left. I said yes. Is this date? Should I ask him if this is a date? Or is this just a fellow employee taking another fellow employee to dinner?

Do girls really care so much about their hair?

lol don't u dare do it. you'll have a horrible experience with the girl. i'm serious. to is more important than her private part.

About the Septum Piercing?

it isn't safe to get a piercing done with a retainer if it's plastic just to let you know..plastic harbors bacteria & if a fresh wound that's a no-no..everything else has been answered so i'll tell you about the length..when measuring cbr's or horseshoes they measure them in circumference (how big around) 7/16ths, 3/8ths, 1/2 etc

I need to lose a lot of weight by september!?

Okay. I'm just really flustered!I need to lose about 100 pounds. I know this isn't realistic but I still want to lose weight! I just really don't know where to begin! I've been walking a mile and a half everyday with my dog...I have eaten fast food and I know that's bad. Could anyone give me some guidelines and tips to weight loss? Thanks in advance! All helpful answers are welcome. Haha.

How to gain muscle as fast as possible?

Im 15 years old, 5ft9, and 11 stone, i play football, rugby, Mma ( mixed martial art) and box, i have my own gym in my garage this consists of a multi-gym ( lat bar, rower, butterfly press, machine bench press, leg curl, and biceps curl, i also have a free standing weights bench, dumbbells, and barbells, a pull up bar, and medicine ball, and a ab machine) could some-one tell me how to gain muscle mass fast, or come up with a regular work out for me? many thanks

Has Anyone Else Ever Misjudged A Police Officer Pulling You Over At Night And Got Too Close?

It is not up to you where the police pull you over, it is up to the police. You kept driving with the patrol car behind you with lights on. You are required to pull to the right when this happens, that is where the officer wanted to pull you over. Your actions created the unsafe location by not pulling to the right immediately

Hes asleep and i am bored n e ideas?

You could learn what apostrophes are and the difference between words and letters are and what proper words are.

I need help with this relationship?!?

I really really like this girl. now ive had a chance with her before and I kinda screwed it up by being to clingy. And normally im not like that with girls its just with her i just get so flustered cause i like her so much. And I was doing better this time with her not being pushy and i still am doing ok but now i txted her this morning and I havent gotten anything back and i am sitting here wondering why the hell i havent heard anything back and I know she could be busy and stuff and I just need to know what to do in order to calm down lol. If i dont hear anything from her should I txt her today or wait till tomorrow to talk to her? Thanks And any relationship advice would be great.

Why does this woman seem to crush on everyone?

Maybe your the one who is just seeing all this, and your the one who is infatuated with this woman. Get over yourself, and find a girl who doesn't have a BF

How much weight should I start lifting?

I recently got myself a second hand set of dumbbells and barbells. I'm 25, fairly strong but I've never done weight lifting such as this before. I've moved furniture and such, but this is different. How much should I start lifting on either set and about how often and how much should I be increasing the weight? Any tips for how much lifting to do in a day is also appreciated.

Where in Nj can i buy sponge forcepe, 14 guage 5/8 barbell, 14 guage needle, a set of alligator clips?

i really want a tongue pericing but cant wait for a professional. So i am going to do it self. Just need to know where to buy this stuff. It will mean a lot and i will really apreciate it. Thank you. :)

Question about Barbell earrings?

So I have just a regular ear piercing and I don't want to stretch it. What size is the hole approximately? And, can I use a straight barbell earring in it? I want one similar to the one Mike Dirnt (from Green Day) wears.

Tragus barbell what size?

It looks like it would be a 16g. If you are unsure about it, go ask your piercer. As for metal, I would suggest titanium or stainless steel.

What are some of the common experiences that occur during hypnosis meditation?

Recently, I have gone to a hypnosis meditation class. The lady who leads it is a hypnotherapist, and I love it. She leads us through a guided meditation. I am new to this type of thing. There comes a point where I don't consciously know what she is saying anymore. Instead I see images, but they are completely random. I am amazed by what I am learning about myself. The images feel really real, and although I don't fall asleep during class, I forget I am laying there in class. I am just wondering if anyone else has had this happen during hypnosis. It is enjoyable, and I am wondering if there is any value to the images? One of the most interesting images I saw was a lavender fairy. Please tell me about your experiences with hypnosis.

Unsafe Changing Lanes Who is at Fault?

I was driving down a three lane road I was in the center lane I was looking to cross over to the right lane so I accelerated and signaled to the right that i was going to change lanes and I made sure I gave an adequate amount of room for myself between the car behind me I checked. Then I changed lanes and the other party accelerated and crashed into my car. I had damage from the right rear passenger to the front of the right door (dent). They had a minor dent to the left side of the front bumper. Unfortunately right after the accident i was flustered and did not know what to do I only had my license for several months so then I proceeded to say sorry and when the cops came by i told them that i signaled to the right and it was my fault. I told their insurance the same thing i signaled before attempting to change lanes. I have not talked to my insurance yet but they will call me soon I plan to state what i said to the cops and the other party's insurance. I plan to fight this I say that i was not at fault. O By the way here is my state law in regard to this. **A vehicle shall be driven as nearly as practicable entirely within a single lane and may not be moved from that lane or moved from a shoulder or bikeway into a lane until the driver has determined that it is safe to do so.**

Can you get an anti-eyebrow piercing with only one stud?

you know how classic anti-eyebrow piercing have 2 studs? or is it one barbel? is it possible to get like a surface piercing in that area but not a barbell and only one hole, and what would it be called?

Why do some people take it as a personal insult if you say you didn't like school?

maybe they knew school was supposed to be mostly fun, and when they could not make it fun, they feel bad then.

Why did my dog die in his sleep he was 4yrs could he have eaten a poisend rat?

we put rat poisen high up in the garage if he eat some dead rat would he die he was ok this morning then 2hrs later i thought he was asleep he was cold and stiff and dead could it be there was no simtoms

What does it mean when a guy does this?

He wants you to make the first move. He is hoping you catch him staring and say something to him. This way it takes the pressure off him and sorta breaks the ice. He hasn`t figure out how to approach you, but he likes what he sees.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

REPOST: I Need advice/feedback/opinions?

I hate men like that! He is in denial and fighting who he truly is. No one has time for all that. I damn sure don't! Just send him a nice e-mail message telling him that you know he is having a hard time with who he is right now but that you don't want to be bothered with all that. Make it clear you came too far to accept yourself and be open (if you are...better be if i am on your side), and that you can't deal with him and his contradicting advances and emotions. Ya'll should be friends but not too close! If you talking to other boys then good but don't have sleep overs with this friend then. Let him be with these girls and lie to himself while you be happy and explore yourself and your sexuality.

Guys: Would you like this, or would it freak you out?

Honestly - you have nothing to lose! It's the end of highschool, and if he turns you down, you're out of there anyways! It could lead somewhere great and you probably would regret it for a very long time if you didn't make a move. You would always wonder what would have happened

I have a few questions about tongue piercings?

I have a few answers. No you don't have to clean it like ear piercings. Just rinse your mouth out after eating with nonalcoholic mouth wash. After the swelling has gone down no you do not talk weird. Yes it is bad; stop. The barbell will be big enough for your tongue at its thickest. Its pretty standard. For a hole to close it usually takes under an hour give or take up to five years of having the piercing. No it will not be weird to eat. Some things will get stuck but its not often. Chewing gum can get stuck. Long noodle might wrap around it. And pixie stix powder will try to hide under the top ball, but that is fun to get clean.

I dont know what to do anymore! Help me?

spend lots of time with him and take him everywhere with u and also take him to meet other people so he can get fimaliar with other people hope it helps (:

Are all these piercings for one ear too much?

I have my first lobe piercing stretched, I have doubles and triples on both ears and an industrial on my left ear, and an eyebrow piercings, i dont think its too much, it looks cool (: sometimes it can look like too much though, keep the jewelry simple!

Is my weed laced??? hellppp?

i smoke weed on a daily basis and i bored one day nd was looking for my video camera in my dads room and found his weed. there was about two grams it looked like soo i took a gram and went to my friends house. i rolled a fatass blunt which didnt make scence in my mind because after we smoked it i rolled a joint then i smoked a couple bowls.after the blunt i was pretty high then we took some tokes. after the tokes i went and rolled a felt like i was in a old ****** up cartoon. after that i had no feeling of time or scence once so ever. i kept walking in circles for minutes and laughing. it was an unexplainable exprience. and the weed looked like mids it wasnt any chronic. it didnt have anything unusual. but i smoked it at 3:00 and i started to come down at 11:00 thats when i fell asleep.

Am i having a panic attack or something ?

This happens to me sometimes when I get out of a hot shower. It usually helps me if I just sit down and drink a glass of water. Try this- if it doesn't work, go see a formal doctor before believing every medical prognosis you find on the internet! :)

I haven't had more than 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep in over 20 years. I'd like to find other insomniacs.?

What is a "normal" night of sleep? I have no idea! I've tried relaxation techniques, deep breathing, visualization, sleeping pills, weed, alcohol (even when I've had way too much), staying up for 48+ hours, heavy sex, acupuncture, blah, blah, blah...but nothing works. My average night is going to bed at 10, finally fall asleep at midnight, wake up at 1:30, move around, take another hour to fall back to sleep, wake up between 3 and 3:30, get up, maybe pee, finally get back to sleep around 5 and then have to get up at 6:30 to start the day. Up until the age of 25 or so, I could sleep for 8-12 hours if I wanted to. But I now can't remember what it's like to have a "good nights sleep". I know all of the proscribed sleep recommendations -- only use the bed for sleeping; no TV in the bedroom; go to bed the same time every night, etc. But again, it's not working. I have been TIRED for over 20 years! I would welcome suggestions but would really like to find others who have the same "issue". It is THE most frustrating thing in my life!

I had a dream i met a flirtatious girl and she vanished?

I had a dream i was on the 2 train heading to an unknown destination.While on the train a blond white girl with black highlights who was wearing all black including black sunglasses got on the train. She started flirting with me and was very friendly. With a desire to stay in touch of her I then asked if she had a Facebook, but she said she didn't have one, then i asked for her number but she she would take mine instead because hers don't receive calls. Suddenly i believe some kind of dispute happens because she ended up having to stand up but this part is hazy to me ,maybe she got in an argument with other passengers or maybe because the train started to break down because i remember the doors being open and it started to open up in the tunnels. Then my cousin gets on the train and he sat down next to me with another passenger on the other side of him. I saw that she was still standing so i offered her my seat and i ended up standing only to find seconds later that the passenger that was sitting on the side of my cousin was gone. So now my cousin is sitting between me and the girl. But then within i blink i believe my cousin ended up on the other side which allowed me to finally sit back next to girl again. The girl and I may have talked a little more and i remember her saying she was getting off at a certain stop. But i eventually fell asleep which in that time she vanished. But when i woke up she was gone but we didn't get to the stop she said she was getting off at yet. I fell asleep again and when i woke up i ended up in the Bronx. My cousin was still there and only thing i remember him saying while we were getting off the 2 train was that JFK airport was nearby in order to fine my way back home quicker instead of getting back on the train(which know that i think of it means my destination was home) . But then he too left and i was there in the Bronx somewhere near a bridge while in some broken down buildings and platforms with two bags .And I felt so alone and lost and helpless. Not lost because i couldn't find my way back home but lost inside.

Am i being insecure or is it cheating?

cheating? OK so on several different occasions my bf wont a phone and I could have just gotten off the phone try to call back an hr later or so and won't get an a next day it has happened three or. four times and fell asleep and I thinl to. myself how did. u fall as Today. we. talked all day and about 6:40pm was t talk. to him I tried calling him at 7:50pm and havent got a answer from him. since then I hjust sent him a lo saying I'm tired of him doing this and I'm done. b can't he stay by the phone I do the. same for him from him the. next day I. dont have a car to check go off his word. I know his ex still. calls him and a wanna seem insecure but I don't want to be a fool

Do you think this prison sentence is too much?

I agree that the sentence is to long, seeing as nobody got hurt. However, it was a really stupid thing to do. Someone could have been seriously injured!

Question about rocking baby to sleep and then putting him in his crib?

My son just started doing this so are we doing it right or what? For the last few days we would rock him to sleep while eating a bottle and making sure he was sound asleep we would lay him in his crib. As soon as we lay him down he would wake up and want to play, so we would pick him up and start rocking him again and he would instantly fall back to sleep. Sometimes this goes on for about 2 to 4 times. Should we continue picking him up and start the rocking process over or should wait a few minutes to see if he will fall back asleep on his own? I love spending the cuddle time with him, because when he is going to sleep is the only time he likes to cuddle. He is 6 months by the way if that makes a difference.

Ladies: Who is lying? The hostess or my date?

I'm thinking it was your date? I highly doubt a hostess has the time or desire to screw over a random man trying to make his way to the restaurant

What is the name of the book?

the fiction book where the kid dates his teacher and his parents find out. [the " means unsure.] they give him away to a federal "medical center" where they take people apart and use there organs in hospitals. He escapes and saves a religious "sacrifice" and some girl and then they escape to a airplane grave yard led by a "general". the place then gets busted by the feds after an accident and the "general" gets hurt and the hero takes him to the hospital. the feds send him to the "med center" and he prepares to get sliced up but then something happens and the Unwanted organ donors all escape. vague huh? but then he gets his enemy's arm that tries to hit him. And i seem to remember some one eating nitroglycerin and being placed in a jail cell forever. plz help its like 1 o'clock in the morning and i cant fall asleep.

Is he interested or is he being creepy?

He sounds like he could be a potential stalker. If he keeps it up and you start to get more uncomfortable, just tell him he needs to slow down and that if he doesn't it won't work between the two of you.

How do you feel about cosleeping?

Did anyone have any trouble getting your baby to sleep alone when she was older after cosleeping? I put my daughter to bed every night but sometimes she's comforted better when she falls asleep with me or next to me. Do you think it's a problem to let the baby sleep with you or is it better because she wakes up less during the night?

Someone tried to break in. Will they try again?

I live in a medium bad neighborhood. (This new guy moved in with my neighbor and his family.) My neighbor's son and his son's friends have drug deals going on all the time. Since this guy moved in, houses have been broken in to. (I only expected someone would try to break in.) So my mom and I were asleep when my sister went out to get a hair cut and nails done. When she got back the key wasn't working to great anymore. Its only few months old. When she has to force the key in so it will unlocks but when she tries to take it out she really has to pull! I took a flash light and looked in the lock with a magnifying glass. Obviously, someone tried to put something in there they weren't suppose too. The inside of the lock is damaged and so is the bottom lock. There also a white powder inside the lock. I'm gonna be out with my friends, my sister is gonna be on a date with her boyfriend, and are mom is going out tonight too. So while we're all gone, we're leaving our dog and new bird home. The bird is a Sun Conure and he's only 3 months old. I'm scared someone will try to break in and if they do, they could hurt our dog and steal the bird or steal both. We're moving soon and getting all new furniture so I don't care about any of that. Just our pets. So would they try to break in again?

Whats the benefit of halving a half- balled barbell instead of a full ball in regards to tongue piercing?

i just got my tongue pierced, and now im shopping for tongue rings online, and im having trouble figuring out why i would buy one over the other. any ones opinion or preference?

Is he interested or creepy?

It does seem like he is coming on a little strong. Just don't make yourself available for him to come around so often and when you talk make it short. That way he will get the point and step back a bit. He still likes you it will just give him a bit of a challenge.

Can I put a straight barbell in my already pierced ear lobes? ?

I've had my ear lobes pierced for a while. I have always wondered if I can get straight short barbells through my ear wholes. If anyone has Information about this please respond.

My friend kissed my cheek...?

Of course we usually kiss when we say hi, but today we had a really hard exam for which I couldn't study too well. I was so nervous I was a little bit nauseous, and when we saw each other I told him how scared I felt. He laughed and I pouted at him. He laughed once more and kissed my cheek, saying "one for hello", and then kissed me once more and said "and one to calm you down". This obviously did not calm me down and it made me flustered. I consider it a friendly action, but my other friend (who was also there and saw this) thinks it's because he saw the situation as an opportunity to kiss me fully on the cheek. Which one is it?

Why is this????????????????


First period help......??

I went to the bathroom and noticed that there was a little bit of blood on my underwear i thought it wasn't a big deal so i ignored it then when i wiped i saw more blood is this my first period? if so what should i do im home alone with my dad thats thanks(:

Is being on swim team going to irritate my navel ring?

I'm 13 and got my belly button pierced about 19 days ago. I was so excited and anxious to get it done, I totally forgot about swim team. I've been swimming in chlorine, my piercer told me that was fine after 2 weeks, and nothing has happened? I'm scared that by swimming aggressively and constantly, especially with a tight one-piece swim suit will irritate it. Will I be fine to be on it, starting around October-ish? Also, those who have had it- is a simple barbell that noticeable through a one-piece? Thanks!(:

What should I do if she doesn't respond to a text?

I asked my crush through text that if she wanted I could take her to a movie next week and she hasn't replied. This was at 1 in the morning so she could have been falling asleep or she was working. It's lunch time right now and I still not get a response. She does reply to my text eventually but at the same time Iv asked her out through text before and sometimes she replies and she thinks it's sweet and other times she doesn't even reply back. I feel like an *** asking her but I don't think she would blow me off because she says she works everyday and she thinks I'm hot. Should I just ignore what I said.

Does any one have any tips to help fall asleep?

I keep the tv on low volume and kinda gaze at it in bed and then before I know it I keep dozing off while watching it and then finally I am asleep and I wake up the next morning feeling ready to go.

Help i phone help black screen and wont turn on even if i reset it it still wont turn on?

Not sure how but my i phone fell from my couch while i fell asleep now im trying to recharge it and it won't work. I connected it to my computer and im on itunes. on the computer it shows that the phone is recharging but i dont see anything on the screen. I tried holding the two buttons down and nothing happens please help ASAP!!!

Is it legal to hang out on parking structures?

So I'm a 14 year old boy living in ann arbor mi and I like to hang out on the tops of parking structures to get a good view of town and I also really like the wind in my face. I started liking to go up on them when I was a little kid with my mom or dad, then as I got older and started walking around town by myself I started going up there by my self, I always went and hung out there wile my mom was in church. So then just last night I was going to The Ann Arbor Summer Festival with a few friends for my birthday, and we were there for a wile, then we went down to the river, then they went back to the festival and I went to go hang out on a parking structure. No sooner had I stepped out the door to the top, three university police oficeres waved me over, asked me what I was doing there, I said I was just coming up there to hang out and they said that was not allowed, so I was like Ok I'll leave then. And then one Of them saw the 2 inch pocket knife that I always carry with me and then they freaked and were like "sire take that out and set it on the ground" and then they searched my pockets and had me write down my name, date of birth, and number, and my dads number, then they told me to beat it and didn't give me my knife back (granted I was so flustered that I didn't think to ask for it back but still they can't just take it write?)

Which is the best when aiming to gain strength frequency volume or intensitey?

Check this article below.I believe it would be most helpful to you.You will also find lots of tips and advices inside this huge archive.

Boyfriend falls asleep at rude times?

I love my boyfriend, but there's one thing he does that REALLY bugs me. I will be trying to talk to him and he will just stop replying and start snoring softly. So then I say, "you're falling asleep" and he gets all mad and goes "NO I'M NOT!!!" and then does the same thing again. He always says that he just doesn't have anything to say, but I'm not that stupid, because he only does it while he's laying down with his eyes closed. He also pretty much immediately falls asleep after orgasm, so there is never any chance of me getting any reciprocation. I understand that this one is not completely his fault, but I've told him a million times that it hurts my feelings. One time he fell asleep in the middle of giving me oral sex, which as you can probably understand, made me feel pretty shitty. I just don't get how he doesn't understand that he's being really rude when he does this. He just says "sorry" really nonchalantly every time I bring it up. I say "it's okay, just try not to do it" but he always does. I just want him to cut it out. It's just really unlike him to be such a jerk.

Did I scare him? How can I make things less awkward?

he most likely finds you attractive too, that's why he's been avoiding you. he wants to stay faithful to his wife and flirting with you doesn't help anything! say hello and apologize for making him feel akward with your compliment. just act like nothing happened.

How do i fall asleep fast?

I live in Florida, and my dad keeps the air conditioning at 76, yet I always feel so hot, and then I can't fall asleep. I'm not on meds and I don't have a disease or infection. Please help me fall asleep

I've just got a scaffold piercing and I was wondering how long until I need to start cleaning it?

Oh, you mean you got your industrial done! Okay, i got' cho. But you can use a sea salt solution, which basically is just a gallon of hot water with about 4 tablespoons of sea salt, and it HAS to be natural sea salt, not just table salt. You should start cleaning it right away so it doesnt start to get infected.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Why do I feel the weight more on my left pectoral than on the right?

If you are right handed, your right arm would be stronger than your left so you would feel the weight less on your right arm because it is stronger.

I miss him all the time, even when we talk. Is this normal? ?

this just means that you have found your soul mate or you have a love as strong as edward cullen and bella, when he went away bella was a complete wreck, she had nightmares tantrums you name it, but if he says no you can always find someone else, because the right guy is just around the corner you might not no it and he might not be the same as your edward cullen but he surtenly takes your mind off the bad things. all you will have to do about the not as good love with your jacob is look into his eyes and imagine life without him then the lovekick starts again. anyway, i think the situation you are in now is simple you should tell him but the question is does he feel this way about you otherwise its just a moo point, its like a cows opinion, it just doesnt matter, its moo.

Please help! Could I have altitude sickness?

I live in Vancouver, Washigton which is at about 500 feet above sea level and I recently flew to Eagle Mountain, Utah which I believe is at about 2000-3000 feet above sea level. Since I got here I've felt terrible. I've had trouble sleeping (waking up in the night, sleeping in and having trouble falling asleep) I've had a non stop headache, I've been nauseus, I almost threw up, I've had diarrhea, I'm tired all the time, my throat is really sore, I don't wanna eat and I'm really dizzy. I've never had altitude sickness before so I don't know if I have it or not... If I do, what are some ways to help it? When will it go away? I'll be here for another week...

Is she sick,Meno-pause Depression?

Hello,I am concerned about my wife we are married 2 years now and with the last two months she has changed a lot ,she seems to be going to the bathroom 5 times during the nights,she is also cranky,And sleeps a lot also even when she sits down it the evening she is asleep for eight o'clock .She is only 29 im worried about her we haven't had sex in about 3 weeks now as she usually is asleep by the evening and when i told her to see a doctor she says noting is wrong and she is determined and wont go for me what is wrong with her is she bored of me is it me?

Am i just being jealous?

One of my friends introduced me to this guy. I am not sexually interested in that guy because i am in a relationship. He sent me a friend request on facebook he also sent my girlfriend a facebook request. I became a little flustered because i am insecure because i have been cheated and lied to in my past relationships by men and women

Why does this woman seem to crush on everyone?

How long has she been with her boyfriend? Sounds like she probably wasn't ready to settle down but instead of breaking it off with her boyfriend she wants to have her cake and eat it too. She probably never really experienced flirting, being with different people, etc. and she wants to do so now. Either that or she just really loves attention and doesn't care how she gets it.